If I hear this is as good as it gets one more time, I'll scream.
It's as if everyone is sleeping trying to wake from a bad dream.
Where dulldrums and daily-to-dos are a nuisance and a bore.
Day in, day out, life has become to some a chore.
When did we become so sad and so cyncial?
Probably when we made hand washing so clinical.
Everything we do, we disect and over analyze.
Every good deed we berate and cleverly criticize.
It's no wonder most children today are on prozac.
It's less about hyperactivity and more about lack.
Lack of joy, self esteem and a soft place to land
and being given a lift up when they can't even stand.
But how do we lift up others when we can't lift up ourselves?
Perhaps start by thanking the cups on the shelves
and the dishes and the forks and the butter knives and such.
They are waiting for you and don't ask for much.
Just keep them clean and at the ready they will be
to hold your toast and cradle your tea.
And don't forget the food that's stored up in your pantry.
Like manna from above, those with eyes let them see.
Taking out the garbage is a ritual to hold dear
every day, every week, every month, of every year
is a new opportunity to clean up your mess
To get rid of the clutter and perhaps live with less.
Less of the sour, bitter and tainted
More room for thankful, grateful and sainted
As good as it gets? We need some humility.
We need some lovepassion. We need some loveglee.
Tonight thank the bed that you'll fall into without looking.
Tonight thank your husband for doing the cooking.
Tonight thank the stars for wanting our wishes.
Tonight thank your Maker for overflowing dishes.
Tonight thank your prayers and your Spirit for praying.
Tonight kiss your wife and thank her for staying.
Tonight thank the locks and the doors that secure you.
Tonight thank your dreams that inspire and implore you.
Tonight if grateful is all that you are
Tomorrow's road will not seem so far.
Tonight if a thankful heart is truly yours
Tomorrow you'll gladly do your chores.