Maria & Jim back then...

Maria & Jim today . . .
We are not who we used to be. The cycle of positive change has happened quite a bit over the span of our lives. Physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, professional changes have made us the energies we are today.
Did we actually see or feel change happening everyday? Mostly not so much.
Some days, yes. Some days change arrives on our doorstep unannounced, hungry, wearing a trench coat and a hat, carrying luggage in one hand and intention to stick around for six to eight weeks in the other.
We, however, were not expecting change. We were not prepared to entertain change. We had given absolutely no thought or consideration to the possibility of change arriving let alone staying. We were just getting used to believing in ourselves and our circumstances the way they were.
So, after the angst-filled adjustment period of giving consideration to change, acceptance makes it's first appearance in the form of fresh air and open mindedness. Change has been freed on the inside and now has its place and becomes a welcomed guest.
Being the best hosts we can be, we feed change a nice meal and give it a cozy place to rest for a while so we can get used to having it around. Change makes itself at home and starts to introduce itself to everyone, including the neighbors.
Everyone knows when change comes to town, it's all anyone can speak about.
Before we know it, six months have passed and we've become quite accustomed to change. It's as if change were there all the time.
So when the news arrived that change had done it's job and would be leaving, why was change so unexpected? Why were we, once again, not prepared to entertain the possibility of change?
Change is leaving? So soon? That's impossible! What do you mean, change just got here? That can't be true! We were just getting ready to do some big things together! We were just getting used to having change around! Where is change going? How will we get along without change? What will we do now?
Even the neighbors couldn't believe the news!
Change had spent six months affecting everyone and now change was heading out. What would become of those it left behind?
Those that have been paying attention silently prepare their minds and spirits for possibilities, fresh air and open mindedness, changes coming and going. They know that to change is to evolve.
Those that have not been paying attention, will suffer the angst-filled adjustment periods of giving consideration to change until they get it right by giving change a permanent place in their lives.
Change just packs its bags and heads out to find either its next poor, unsuspecting soul to mess with or someone who has prayed for and beckoned it to arrive.
But don't worry, change will return. Change always returns.