So it stands to reason that we've probably been manipulated from the outside in. You might believe mostly all that you hear and see and feel about aging, and dis-ease and sickness...but that is subject to change - if you have an open mind.
What if you stopped listening to the news and stopped reading the newspaper? What if you replaced that information with something entirely different? Would your body respond to this new information at the cellular level, i.e., the water in your body. Would it too respond to the changes? BTW, we are mostly water.
Dr. Emoto's work with water suggests that it would. http://www.life-enthusiast.com/twilight/research_emoto.htm
I am convinced that prayer changes everything and for me, Reiki is a form of prayer as well as energy work and when we Reiki our food or water - it changes at the cellular level. Imagine what it can do in our bodies.
"Light touch with the power of focused intent can be used to heal, to remove unwanted habits, to transform and to create new possibilities."
"It's very much about transforming your beliefs concerning healing, disease and the structure of reality."
"All matter, our bodies included, emit a frequency - an electromagnetic field. These energy fields can develop various blockages on many levels which are then reflected in our current state of being. "
"It is vital to be aware of and clear the blockages to this flow of energy because it is this field that directly determines our physical, mental and emotional health. This field will also have an influence on our alignment with purpose, the quality of our relationships, our ability to affect necessary change in our lives, our abundance and degree of inner peace . . . literally every aspect of our lives."
"Energy work accesses patterns of energy and makes adjustments directly at that point which can cause instantaneous changes. The patterns accessed are biological information fields which form an active, constantly resonating matrix. This matrix and its interconnections provide a continuum for rapid, coherent intercommunication throughout the body. The vibrations and waveforms in this matrix can be changed, so a practitioner can collapse the current reality, such as an injury pattern or some stuck situation with the body or emotions, and introduce new information to produce new possibilities that are more useful. Disease may be defined as a disruption, cessation or distortion arising in the matrix of these information fields. Physical and emotional injuries impair communication at the cellular level."
"Energy work re-establishes the flow of biological information and provides the body with new information so that it can better respond to stimuli in its internal and external environments."
"During a Reiki treatment you may experience:
a higher level of energy, function and performance
promotion of the body's ability to heal
reduction of the amount of time needed to heal fractures, injuries,
and post surgery improvement or elimination of pain and disease
successful treatment of insomnia migraine headaches
sprains and strains
neck and back problems
pain syndromes
release negative emotional energy stored from old wounds, trauma and mistaken beliefs
reduce stress
clear the mind and renew energy
create peace of mind or feelings of calm or well-being
promote mental alertness
eliminate confusion
improve concentration and memory
During a session you may experience:
Energy flowing through your body
Heat or cold in various parts of your body
Muscle twitches
Spontaneous movement
Relaxation and lightness
Images, visions, colors
Emotional release
Past memories spontaneously coming up
Sleep (you don't have to be awake to receive benefits)
After a session you may experience:
Decreased pain or other physical symptoms
Increased relaxation
A sense of peacefulness and clarity
A renewed sense of purpose
Improvement or remission of various conditions
Openheartedness, love, the ability to more easily make heart-centered decisions
Increased energy, or conversely, a need to sleep more -- listen to your body
A sense of alignment that leads to changes in lifestyle choices -- nutrition, movement, meditation, creativity
An ability to see relationships more clearly and to find peace within them
The ability to take responsibility for creating the life you want
An increased sense of confidence and self-worth"
Bet you won't be reading any of this in the local papers or hearing it on the news any time soon. We really should be asking ourselves why not. All of this is possible and more, much, much more. You will have to make some changes though. You will have to let go of your preconceived notions and everything you thought you knew about your body, your health, your wellness and realizing your fullest potential.