Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Still Pushing Religion"?

At a recent gathering of friends to celebrate the birth of a new baby girl, one of the Mom's approached me and asked me if I was 'still pushing religion'?

I thought the question was odd. She had had a few zinfindels so I wasn't too put off - it's true, I'm a spiritual being, but PUSHING religion is not what I'd describe it as.

Her perception is true and valid though. And after giving it a good think, I embraced the comment.

It's true, I have always been mindful of God and I've had a lot to say about Him over the years..."out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" so I guess I've been pushing religion my whole life. Okay. I can deal with that.

In fact, when I look back over the course of my life, I have been constantly engaging in a conversation about God, the Spirit, Healing, Godliness, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Principles, Higher Consciousness, etc. All of that conversation leading me to this place at this time, typing these words. I'm encouraged and looking forward to my spiritual future. I have a pretty good idea where all of this is leading. Some of the mysteriousness that is my life is coming into clear focus. These are the types of things though, that one meditates upon.....Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart".


Niall young said...

I have always believed that 'Pushing religion' is a futile activity..religion is the effort and ritual, that man makes to be more holy (at least in his own eyes) and because it is human effort is bound to fail and fall short. Whereas, being a Christian is about a living relationship with a living God which is based on the concept of Grace..a price already paid....how can anyone who has experienced such freedom and forgiveness not want others to have it too?

Lisa Sargese said...

Better a God-pusher than ...well, any other kind of pusher! A love-pusher is good too, but God is love so.....But "pushing religion" IS a funny phrase. I think the pondering is a good response. I remind myself that people speak out of their own karma and rarely does it have to do with my having done something 'wrong'...but I know you know that.