Thursday, April 17, 2008

Space for God

I'm learning.

I'm learning to breathe. I'm learning to listen. I'm learning to be the stillness inside my body. I'm learning about the chi that animates my body. I'm learning that I am not my thoughts. I'm learning to make space, the clean my space, to allow space.

The ego in our evolutionary life convinces us that we've got it all figured out. It tells us that we are important. That we are somehow bigger than anybody, everybody else. That what we do matters, what we think matters, what we feel matters. We believe that.

The Spirit says "do not lean on your own understanding. God's ways are not your ways, they are much higher."

I'm learning.

I'm learning to decipher through every bit of information that emerges in my mind telling me who I am and what I believe. I delete what I do not accept. I replace that space with nothingness.

Space for nothingness. Space for energy. Space for abundance. Space for creation. Space for gratitude. Space for healing. Space for being. Space for peace, bliss and true understanding. Space for God.

The world in conjunction with the ego tells you that you need to be better and bigger somehow, do more important things than your neighbors, be infamous. If you're not doing something in the world's eyes, you're doing nothing, you are nothing. But in reality, to be better you must go inside away from the world.

Inside you will find the energy that animates the body as mentioned. Energy that is your life force and the life force of everything in existence. You will find thought. His Holy Presence lives behind thought which is created by ego and emotion. You will also find space if you look hard enough, but sometimes space is much more elusive because it seems as if there really isn't much of it.

Don't believe me? Try listening to the space inside of you right now. Be silent for 30 seconds and see what you hear. Do you hear silence or the many things you've yet to accomplish. Do you hear silence or is your body telling you it wants something like food or rest or an aspirin. Do you hear silence or are you all consumed with your random thoughts? Silence takes practice. Harnessing your thoughts takes practice. Making space where there was none, takes practice.

Things are not, and have not been what they've seemed. Things have not been what we've been taught.

If you've not gotten a glimpse into the energy that is really you, the energy that surpasses all understanding, the energy that is limitless, the energy that is eternal, you are missing out on a great deal. You are missing out on what and who you truly are now....and who you think you will become.

I'm learning.

I'm learning that we are already what we will become. We already have what we think we cannot grasp. We already have access to all becoming.

Let me repeat that.....we are ALREADY that which we will become. The name of this blog is What I Am To Be. That is probably going to change since I believe that I am learning that I am already what I am to be. There is an awakening, but as for becoming in the Spirit realm, there is really much less becoming as opposed to being.

You are not your thoughts. Thoughts happen to you. Thoughts are most naturally independent and operate without your permission. Intention, however, is a thought or an idea that you control. Something that you want to happen, to exist, to be created. Once you separate yourself from your thoughts, space opens up for true intention, true creation. The genius behind creation itself is available to everyone in that space.

So, what I want I already have. Who I am going to be I already am. What I believe already is.

Jesus said "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to that mountain 'move' and it shall be moved."

I'm learning that I already know that in my spirit, in my soul, in my being. I'm so grateful it brings me to tears.
You are what you know. You are what you believe. What are your thoughts saying to you? Are you moving any mountains today?


Niall young said...

This is a very beautiful post.

Maria Lynn Gattuso said...

Thank you Niall. You are beautiful. : )