Monday, August 11, 2008

The Universe is Waiting

Hopefully, we're all working toward something.

Working toward some ridiculous goal, some unreachable, unattainable goal that causes us to stretch to our very limits beyond our comfort zones.

Hopefully, we're not satisfied with the way things have turned out.

Hopefully, we'll keep pushing and running until the race is finished.

The race isn't finished you know.

There is still half a course to run.

We can stop now, take a break and enjoy the half way point, or we can blow past our comfort zones (and competitors) and persevere past the sweat, cramps and thirst.

The payoff, and there is one, lies at the very end.

At the end of the race we will be rewarded for our performance.

Make no mistake, the Universe is observing us at this very moment.

The Universe is waiting for us to trust it.

The Universe is waiting for us to ask more from it.

The Universe is waiting to give us more of what we need to help others.

What will you ask the Universe for today and how will it help the world at large?

Hopefully, you'll never get tired of sitting still, asking questions and waiting for the answers.

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