Friday, December 5, 2014

United We Stand

"This system will self destruct".  
"This system embodies the ego".
We Are From The Future - Next Stage:  Revolution of Love

I don't wonder as much as I'm challenged by some to reconsider my viewpoints, that perhaps I take things too far spiritually, and that my viewpoints are not realistic enough for the world we 'live' in.  I understand the confusion.  They think 'we' live in different neighborhoods, different worlds and different mindsets.  I get it.  There are plenty of 'differences' that create an illusion of separation, but I've never subscribed to that philosophy.  I've always had a deep sense and knowing that everything is connected, and that there has to be balance in this very chaotic world.  How else could humanity, nature, animals, and all living things have peace, love and harmony?  These things are basic universal rights for all beings in existence, not just a choice few. When things are out of balance, the chaos takes over as in our world today.  We're seeing that chaos mushrooming and reverberating through the whole system, all over the world.  The earth has never inhabited this many people, or this much money, or this much power, or this much corruption.  It's reaching epic proportions and it's becoming obviously more unstable.

For me, I stand firm, firm on the side of truth, peace, immense love, balance, kindness, humility, harmony, hugs, genuine smiling from happiness. . . where do you stand?

The time has long come for unity and common sense.  I pray as more things are revealed, more people will let go of fear and find their truthful voices, stand up and speak out with love, compassion and courage.  We can face the lying giants together, and we can renew our own minds if we've been playing the game too long, or if we've given into the illusion.  We're quite capable of anything once we find our passion, and life and living are just two primary things we should be very passionate about right about now.  

Do not let anyone steal your life, your love, your peace, or your joy. 

The revolution is upon us.  

Be the love.  Be the peace.  Be the change.  Be the light.

This is the good news ~*~


*  *  *

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ho'opono opono Healing Prayer

One of the most important yet misinterpreted virtues is that of humility.  Being humble in this day and age is misconstrued as weakness but that couldn't be farther from the truth.  It takes IMMENSE humility, courage and love to admit that we are sometimes less than we could be, worse than we should be, or too proud to be what we would be - if we were walking in humility.

To walk in humility is to put others first and ourselves last.  It doesn't seem to gel with the world in its current state or paradigm.  The current paradigm is all about greed and arrogance, and do unto others before they do unto you.  Just how much can we obtain for ourselves, even hoarding things or resources for our immediate or long-term survival, and actually live peacefully?  Well, we all know money can't buy love or happiness and we've seen enough wars to know that, right now, this is the mantra for many and for many, it is creating a void that is leading to some very interesting behavior.  How could money ever bring peace to the Spirit that lives within the human body?  It cannot.  Spirit has little use for these things unless we are giving them away to others less fortunate....then they become real spiritual gifts that return way more than they could ever give.  Humility gives.  Pride hoards and we've seen the damage this has done and it might just take another lifetime to undo and unlearn all that's been taught in the spirit of success, wealth, beauty and fame,  If any of those things had any real value the ones with the most of it wouldn't live in such fear of losing it all.  If those things had any real power the whole world would be cared for, elevated, and fed.   Just look at our nursing homes in the USA.  Get to a certain point in this paradigm and you are no longer useful for anything other than sitting in a chair with wheels staring out a window and a street sign that says One Way.  Oh, surely there is more than one way.  Question becomes, 'can we get out of our own way' long enough to contemplate the really profitable choices like humility?

While arrogance, greed and pride can come with what seems like power - it is fleeting.  Someone will always be stronger, hungrier, more prideful and so the competition goes.  Who has the power?  Who is losing it?  Who is gaining it?  And for what?  What is the purpose of all of this power?  Perhaps just like anger can lead a soul to peace, this kind of power can lead to giving if the human only look into the margin of the mirror.  The margin contains all that is stored up.  All of the things we don't want to look at are there behind us, beside us, in front and behind but as long as we stare at our own reflection we are distracted from the light that illuminates us - all of us, good, bad and ugly.  Take your gaze off of yourself.  Look at your brothers and sisters, our suffering earth and animals.  Look at your heart and how you have contributed to this destruction and if so inspired, make some changes.

For me, my personal inventory of what was in my margin led me to the wonderful Hawaiian Ho'opono opono healing prayer.  Thankfully, I had help in obtaining this spiritual guidance.  You must surround yourself with Spirit filled people...what you need comes.  Broaden your horizon.  You will find what you seek and I found it just in time.

We've all had magnificent pasts that have helped us, healed us and hurt us.  It's holding onto the hurt and disappointment that creates ill in the body, the mind, the spirit, and our world.  Bitterness, holding onto grudges, past offenses, not seeing people especially oneself as fallible, all lead to illusion, separation, confusion and God does not live there.  

New International Version - 1st Corinthians 14:33
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace--as in all the congregations of the Lord's people.

Humility can be a very hard concept for some and I think it should be a class in school throughout our entire tenure.  We should learn about Humility before anything else and as a magnificent side dish there should also be a class called Forgiveness.  We, as humans, need as much spiritual guidance as we can get to make clear the illusion of separateness.  We think we're better than some people.  We think we're smarter than some people.  We think so many thoughts that separate and feed the illusion, but when you prayerfully contemplate existence there is an overwhelming love and peace that prevails inside that the outside just doesn't match up to.  It's contrary.  You deeply FEEL the truth that love is the bottom line not greed, success or wealth.  Real connectedness is profoundly humbling.  It's beautiful to contemplate.  But, there are still those that hold on so tightly to what they've obtained that surely they will lose their grip or their grip will be loosened for them.  This is not the way.  This is not the truth of real peace and tranquility.   If it were, I would know.  I would totally be all in as I am with Spirit.  I've seen fame, fortune and success.  It is not the way, in my humble opinion.  And while I am not famous I am wealthy in Spirit and consider that a great success.  You define it for yourself.   I'd be really honest if I were you.  Take a good look in the margins.  What do you live for?   Who do you live for?

I live for God.  Period.  I aspire to please God, not men.  I aspire to reach the heights of a virtuous life.  I want my companions to be of the light, Godly, inspired, fast to forgive, quick to love, quick to share.  I want to help everyone reach the heights of pure love, pure compassion, pure joy.  It is possible to reach this exquisite paradigm in your heart.  I have and I strive to stay there every single day and trust me, with this type of statement, the tests and trials come.  Oh boy, do they come and that's why this prayer came to me.  Just in time, not a second too soon.  If it had come to me sooner, I might have disregarded it.  I wasn't ready.  Are you?

It takes a truly humble heart to pray this amazing prayer.  I could not just describe this prayer without first setting the foundation as to why we should be humble to begin with.  Perhaps you've been persuaded by the illusion?  Perhaps you are wreaking havoc in your own life as you struggle with the anxious feelings of not having enough friends, love, money, power, fame, or even time left?  That's a wrestling match we will always lose.  When you place your trust outside of yourself how will you ever be satiated?  Who has ever been truly satisfied with what the world offers?  The world is at odds with the Spirit on so many levels yet when you tap into Spirit you are given eyes to see the world as it really is and you start to tread much lighter on her, on others, on yourself.  You can no longer dwell in self service you can only rise to serve others, and one of the first ways is humility which leads to forgiveness.  How do I know?  Because I am so very human seeking super spiritual power.  Humility and forgiveness are indeed supernatural, super powerful, super Spiritual.  It's when you finally settle into searching your heart that this prayer becomes one of the most powerful healing resources you'll ever come across.  Are you ready to forgive yourself?

Ego may answer that question with 'what have I done'?  'What do I have to be sorry for'?  That is not Spirit.  That is ego.  Your highest self knows emphatically that you are a fallible human being and you have some stuff in the margins.  Only a fool would think their hands are clean.  Everyday, in every way, we offend ourselves and others.  Every single day.  I pity the fool who thinks otherwise and I also pity the fool who thinks this is a waste of time.  This is the most profitable way to spend your human lifetime because it leads to virtues that indeed, the soul takes with it when it leaves this school of life and this body.  What will be in your soul when you leave this planet?  If you don't like what you see perhaps this prayer is for you, as it is for me.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

I love you.

Thank you.

As defined in the Hawaiian Dictionary through Wikipedia:
Literally, hoʻo is a particle used to make an actualizing verb from the following noun, as would "to" before a noun in English. Here, it creates a verb from the noun pono, which is defined as
...goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary.
Ponopono is defined as "to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat".

That's it.  Simple yet profoundly difficult for some.  It was difficult for me for quite a while until I understood that peace lives inside of me, not outside in the approval of others and anything that I'm holding onto is preventing me from moving forward with grace, love and tenderness.  While I want everyone to love me, not everyone does, and that's okay but it's not okay for me not to love me, or them.  I was so self destructive for so long believing that I was unlovable, unworthy, and just not good enough because of a few people in my life who just did not have anything of true value to give to me.  I held onto this need thinking that this is the way it is, we obtain this esteem from others but that is not the case.  I have all the self esteem in the world now and it depends on a much higher source of inspiration, One that never let's me down, ever.  God's grace is sufficient for me but I wouldn't mind a few more super spiritual humans in my life.  Perhaps offering this prayer out into the ether will bring them closer to me.  I am ever hopeful.

Your energy is felt long before your words are spoken and grateful is the heart that hears the words the heart needs to hear.  Perhaps your heart needs to hear these words today from yourself, or from someone else.  Start with yourself as I did.  Forgive yourself for all of it.  ALL OF IT.  Then you will begin to see the bridge that gaps the divide of the illusion of separation.  Then, you can forgive others effortlessly and easily and the proof will be in the fruit you produce.  You cannot harvest hate and love at the same time.  The immediate harvest of love is the grace that flows through a forgiving heart.  Humility melts the hardest heart.  It melted mine and it will melt yours as well.

There is real healing power in this prayer, and in the heart of the human whose focused intention is to forgive self and others through immense humility.  It becomes increasingly more difficult to perpetuate what you once thought of as profitable.  Once you've crossed this threshold, what once deeply offended you becomes much easier to rise above and transmute into love.  Once you've prayed this prayer to yourself, you learn to pray it to everyone and then, you can navigate your way to true peace and tranquility.  The last leg of this journey is honoring all the virtues that you may have offended;  Peace, Consciousness, Gratitude, Unity, Kindness, Holiness, Harmony, Compassion, Healing, just to name a few.

Imagine forgiving yourself for all and starting fresh.  Imagine forgiving everyone for everything and erasing your memory of these offenses.  Doesn't that sound amazing?  It is.

Imagine being the peace.  Imagine being the love.  Imagine being the harmony.  All of these virtues, and many more will fill your spiritual bag of resources and you become a brighter light that beckons peace, love and harmony.  You couldn't prevent peace if you wanted to.  You just are the peace through love and humility and peace begets peace.

This is the way. ~*~

Reiki Master Ree

Friday, October 31, 2014

Choose Love

I just watched Jim Carey's Commencement address for the 2014 graduates of the Maharishi University of Management.  It is interesting that the life I strive for is the one that he describes.  I'm so excited to know that Jim has evolved and is using his influence to raise the vibration of the planet through his words and fine example.

There is a mighty distinction between "a dog that can eat you that is in your head, or a real dog that can eat you".  And he's right when he states that most people do not make this distinction.  They may not even realize that they are the dog in some cases biting off their own leg.

One thing is for sure, I needed to hear this to remind myself that I am not alone.  That what I believe and how I live my life is the real deal.  I am who I say I am, I have what I say I have, and I do what I say I do.  For this, I am truly grateful.  Otherwise, I'd be operating from fear and there is just too much of that going on these days.

Be aware of the wolf in sheep clothing that would try to persuade you to be the fear that they personify.  God forbid.  Be the light.  Be the love and be the peace.  Let the rest go.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Releasing the Shadows

Guest Teaching 
Intro to Reiki 
Bergen Community College 
Now that we have covered what meditation is and how to start to be the stillness the next step is to think about techniques to free the mind of all that clutter, be it mild, medium or very strong clutter.  In the beginning of my journey all I had was this unquenchable passion, this magnetic pull and every time I would try to get closer to the source of this pulling I would be confronted with all kinds of obstacles from rouge thoughts to full on stories of a painful trauma or situation that I had endured or survived.  The rouge thoughts were easily navigated around or dismissed entirely.  The painful memories and the dense emotion that would come to the surface, well that was another thing entirely.  Why was all of this coming to the forefront of my quiet time?  I am trying to meditate over here. 

For me, in order to fill this vessel with light it had to be emptied of all the shadows, shadows being my past disappointments, offenses, attacks of all kinds, jealousy, bitterness, envy, things I held against myself as well as others, maybe even God.  It’s when we get in the silence all these lists come to the surface.  Why is there a list and what is this list doing to us?  Can’t we keep the list and just focus on the light?  Yes.  We keep the list while focusing on the light but just as light reflects off a shard of glass, the light inside of us will reflect onto and off of anything that needs to be addressed, released, and transmuted into the positive including this list.

For example, you and a friend have had some cross words and there’s an event coming up soon that you will both be attending.  It’s awkward and there is friction between you and you may think that as long as you’re not in the same room together all is well but that’s not entirely the case.  The thoughts and emotions created by this illusion of separation bring real roots with it.  This could be an opportunity to transmute friction by making amends, having another conversation with humility, forgiveness, whatever the case may be.  Making no decision is a decision so if you decide not to address the situation and just attend the event, bringing these shadows with you, you run the risk of adding onto what was already a stressful situation.  This can become compounded now because of the allowance of friction.  I realize we cannot control anyone, only ourselves so perhaps clearing the slate prior to the event is the only path to peace.  You decide to be the peace.  You decide to forgive and keep no record of wrong despite the fact that it hurt, you felt slighted, you felt wronged.  Jesus said in Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”  ‘They’ are you and me.  We need more forgiveness for self and others.  We need to realize we are all connected doing the very best we can do with the information we have.  Forgiveness is underrated and holding onto grudges leads to all sorts of sticky, dense, and toxic energy in the human body and causes internal and external wars potentially but it doesn't have to.  Keeping a record of wrongs, well that’s just a trigger mechanism to relive and reanimate for whoever will listen to the wrongs that our poor souls have endured.

But you are not a poor soul.  You are a very strong and capable being whose soul purpose is to bring about peace on this planet at this time.  If we release these toxic shadows and transmute them into the light, our meditation experience will be sublime.

How do you release these shadows? 

Firstly, be brutally honest with yourself.  Become aware of the feelings and emotions that accompany thoughts that pull you out of center, out of the present moment into the past.  What happened?  Becoming aware of these obstacles is the first step.  Keeping a journal is the second.  All of my mentors have taught me to journal.  Every one of them stating the importance of taking these thoughts, emotions, memories and writing and them down, getting them out so to speak.  Like a vortex of energy they swirl inside the brain and heart creating all sorts of distractions.  Once the brain is allowed to relive and replay the emotions are sure to follow.  Once you engage in a shadow thought and the emotion starts it may seem like there is no end to your suffering and you are quite right.  If you allow your mind to relive and replay and you allow your emotions to live on the inside of you like a jack in the box just waiting for the right trigger to pop out, scare you and other people, you are not living anywhere near center, near conscious living, you are living on play, rewind, repeat. 

Write it down.  Whatever is swirling around you on the inside put it on paper.  Notice the emotion, if any, the tears, the effect this thought has on your entire being.  It’s no wonder you were having trouble focusing on stillness when this troublesome thought lives like a weed on the inside whose only purpose is to choke the life out of you and with no one cutting it back, eradicating it, or even trying to until now, it has had free reign.   Every morning when you wake up write in your journal.  Write your cares, your fears, your joys, your doubts, your worries, write everything down that is in your brain when you wake up.  This takes some of the sting out of the thought.  This releases some of the emotion associated with the thought.  Are you done now that you’ve written it down?  No, not entirely.    You may notice that this same thought is upon you every morning.  It’s the same thought or problem or hurt and it’s nagging at you.  You’ve already written it down.  Why won’t it go away?

Journaling is a very powerful tool in emptying the mind of the human but sometimes it’s just one of many spiritual tools that one needs and has access to.  Depending on the thoughts or emotions, a person may need to delve deeper to get to the root causes in order to release.  Prayerfully journaling and prayerfully meditating work in tandem with Spirit to miraculously heal and diffuse negative energies that live inside.  You will know when you are free from these thoughts because there will be a lightness about you that was there all the time, but you were not aware of it.  Once we peel back the layers of thoughts and emotions we can tap into the true source of our true infinite nature where shadows do not exist and if they do exist, they do so to test and refine.  What we are dealing with now is our own creation and its purpose is quite the same.    Do not resist the lesson or the path.  It’s the same for all of us.

Affirmations, self talk, positive thinking and deliberate thoughts that empower us to continue on our journey when releasing shadows are extremely important.   They are important all the time.  I liken it to keeping a weight in your hand to constantly flex the muscles in your arm.  Deliberate thoughts train the mind to strengthen itself with positive fuel as opposed to negative toxic fuel which makes us sick.  It makes sense, doesn't it?  What goes in must come out.  Positive goes in, positive comes out.  Negative goes in, negative comes out.  We have the capacity to lift up the vibration of the world with our delightfully positive outlook on life and we have the power to pull down the vibration of the world with our toxic, worrisome and negative outlook, but it actually takes more effort to frown than smile.  That’s because you’re true nature is that of peace, dare I say love. 

Once you release thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you, you make room for thoughts that have a much higher purpose, vibration and in fact are much higher;  thoughts about world peace and unity and healing and joy, thoughts about feeding the world and advocating for all living things and our planet.  Our minds and our souls are on this planet for a much higher purpose than just ourselves but it absolutely begins with each and every one of us.  When we take responsibility for the state of our being, the state of our consciousness, we can then take the proper steps to join in with the universal, if not just global oneness thought process that includes and never excludes, that tolerates and respects, edifies and supports, loves and has compassion for the entire human spirit not just the few highly favored. 

Meditation is the tool if you want to get to the bottom of who you are.  Journaling and praying keep you humble, accountable and somewhat scientific in your approach utilizing all the spiritual resources available to you and taking very complex principles and breaking them down into palatable, useable, techniques.  You will turn to your journal over and over.  You will see the Hand of God at work in your life.  You will see the scales fall off of your eyes right before your writing fingertips.  You will lament and purge and stain your journal with sorrowful, salt filled tears.  You will turn the page and see and feel those tears transmuted into the platinum healing light of God.  You will never be the same.

What if it all gets to be too much to bear?  Hang in there.  Prepare a spiritual space for yourself that you can return to with a feeling of being cared for.  You are taking yourself on your life path journey.  Make it okay.  It is okay.  Everything will be okay, no matter what.  Affirm this to yourself.  Create a vision board of you meditating and being free.  Remind yourself over and over that this is your time.  Use some incense, candles, essential oils and hemi-sync brain wave meditation music, go for a walk in the park.  Stay grounded.  Stay the course.  Keep your inner eye focused on the prize:  Peace.  Stillness.  Joy.  Refuse to be distracted. 

As you further along on this path you will become lighter, more joyful, more grounded.  You will not be so fully persuaded to react to life’s circumstances, pushing and pulling as you had in the past.  There will be space in between your thoughts.  You will react less and thoughtfully respond more.  You will have raised your inner frequency and outer energy.  People may notice.  New challenges may present themselves.  Observe them from a safe distance.  Notice they don’t have the same allure they once had.  Notice you may not want to play the way you played in the past.  Listen to your newly honed intuition.  Pray about everything.  Journal your every thought.  Meditate every day.  Keep on the path. 

Your mind cannot comprehend what is waiting for you in the stillness.  Trust that the light is pure and illuminating. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Place of Beginnings

"Faith is an island in the setting sun.  
But, proof, 
proof is the bottom line 
for everyone".
Paul Simon

I am an energy aficionado and I have a question.  Why have we given over our faith energy to the pharmaceutical industry whose ads confound us with their endless side effects and not Spirit and its endless and infinite possibilities?  I have never heard feathered into any one of these mainstream media medical ads at the beginning, the middle or the end, that this that or the other drug will actually cure us.  On the contrary, taking drugs approved by the FDA in this country comes with a plethora of possible side effects that will only lead us to additional drugs with an even longer laundry list of side effects.  If proof is the bottom line for every one the jury is in, the decision is final, just say no to drugs.  Perhaps there is another agenda?  Well, of course there is, I'm being silly.  You know it.  I know it.  The entire world knows it.  So, how can we get around it?  Are there any real healing and wellness alternatives out there for our maladies or are we doomed to pharmaceuticals for all eternity? How did we actually arrive at this state of being?  Are we all really this ill that we need all of these toxins?  Penicillin is less than one hundred years old and just look at how many drugs are on the market today with their corresponding illnesses that probably didn't even exist back then.  

Okay that was way too many questions and that all just lends itself to my passion and how taking back our health is of optimum importance.  I don't want you to just feel a little better, I want you to feel amazingly better.  My goal is to teach as many people as possible that they are making themselves sick in a lot of cases with the substances they consume and absorb, the thoughts they think and project and ultimately the energy that either sustains or depletes them,   I work with energy but what does this mean?  This means that the subtle energies that exist around us and are emitted from us are scientifically and humanly detectable and if you work towards that ability you not only can detect these energies in yourselves, but you can transmute the negative ones and help to heal them where necessary, through the grace of God, of course.  You can do this just as easily as I can and it starts with intention, prayer and meditation and once you begin your practice there is no limit to what you will learn and experience about energy and how much of it you actually are so changing it becomes easy and effortless especially as it pertains to personal wellness and healing.

By now, most of us know that everything in existence is made up of pretty much the same star dust energy as everything else.  At the center of even the most dense matter, when you get down to the atomic level nothing is static or stagnant.  When you get down to the sub atomic level even those atoms are moving with a pulsating life force energy that is changed only by your observation.

Imagine.  You become aware of your thoughts and your frequency, the vibration you are putting out into the universe and you decide to change it and it changes.  The potential for world peace lies therein I would think.

That's a rabbit hole of a different depth and I digress, but not really.  Getting back to everything and everyone is emitting a frequency that is scientifically detectable.  Plants, animals, people, sound, light, scent, inanimate objects all emit a frequency and these frequencies vibrate at different levels.  The best way for me to describe the difference and how you may have already been able to feel these frequencies, when you walk into a room that’s open and inviting and filled with flowers or plants and children and loved ones you may notice the energy is very loving and inviting, comfortable and healing.  On the other hand, if you walk into an environment where an argument has just taken place or is taking place and you see and hear the argument escalating, you may notice that your heart rate increases along with your blood pressure and you may think this is a natural response for most of us and you’d be right.   A person just walking into either of those environments can blindly absorb all the energy around them and carry it around for days.  A high vibration can linger just as long as a lower vibration only the lower vibration has an uncanny ability to destroy and cause disease while the higher vibration has an uncanny ability to calm and cause healing.  What energy workers try to teach is that firstly there is a detectable vibration and that we are either raising it or lowering it depending on our state of awareness.  The second is that you are emitting a vibration and you are responsible for where you point that thing!  Don’t be pointing your vibration in my direction unless you know what you’re emitting.  We are always emitting and absorbing but the goal and ultimate objective is to become so aware that we emit only unconditional love, one of the highest possible compassionately healing vibrations.  We then detect and shield ourselves from the lowest ones transmuting them into the positive and to take this notion to its highest possible fruition, to heal the human body and then for that healed human to heal other humans.  J 

Proof?  Yes, yes.  There is proof in Spirituality but how do you package an experience?  In our Western capitalist culture we are manufacturers of product so where is the Spiritual product that proves that Spirit exists and healing exists?  I personally use incense and healing crystals and anointed essential oils and all of them become useless without my intention.  However, with my intention and the grace of God all things are possible and I've EXPERIENCED phenomena that Science would argue is not provable but what does Science have to do with God?  Well, it has everything to do with God but people tend to get in the way.  God reveals Him/Herself to each open heart as the open heart seeks, shows up, listens, taps into, reaches up, prays and meditates.  You have to be in attendance and Spirit will touch you and provide you with all the proof you need.  It becomes irrefutable.  This proof is the kind of energy Healers, Yogi's, Priests, Monks, Sisters and devoted followers have been speaking about for eons.

Everyone emits their own personal frequency.  Some people just make you feel better and some just don't.  I leave it up to you to decide but try not to judge just try to become more aware.  Personally speaking I’ve had my own experiences with energy, which have lead me here today and my purpose is not to convince you but you to teach you that energy is detectable, we all emit frequencies and some of us work really hard to tap into higher levels of consciousness so as to be able to detect and transmute the lower energies.  Imagine a room full of negative ions and a very high vibrating positive ion enters into the equation, well that positive ion especially if it has the grace of God and intention to do so, has the potential to transmute all of those negative ions into positive ones.  In translation, energy workers have the potential to turn negative energy into positive energy through teaching, anointing, laying on of hands, through prayer, primarily though the driving force in all of it; God, intention and the desire and love to help people heal themselves from stress, heartache, suffering and ultimately illness.  There are many like me who walk about spreading the great news that there is real healing in the world.  There is also a tremendous need for more healers.  Perhaps you're being called to take yourself to the next level in your own spiritual development.  I say 'perhaps' but I know you are being called to the next level, we all are.  The question becomes will you answer?

Meditation is one way to answer the call.  It is a very powerful way to connect to source.  Prayer and meditation go hand in hand like inhaling and exhaling.  They work in tandem to bring life force energy into the breather.  Meditation is a spiritual relaxation technique that helps you to hear closely what the body needs, what the spirit needs, and what the soul needs because it settles you into the core of your true being, your true nature, your true essence.  You think you’re just human and let’s be clear, just human is a brilliant, amazing, incredible mind blowing trip.  But what’s going on inside of this human and how it connects to everything else that’s alive and everything else that exists is mind blowing on a level that you can only reach through meditation and that is anything but 'just' spiritual. 
The sublime ultimate is pure spirituality existing in the consciousness and intention filled, light saturated human being.  The human that yields its outward fading shine and inward miraculous mechanics to an infinite and omniscient spark presence is surely a being that time would surely charm, per Axel Rose in November Rain “If you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you”?

Meditation takes you into the quiet, peaceful, tranquil, vast space of your heart center.  It is the place where silence and stillness exists in the midst of your never still body.  Your body is in constant motion, even when you’re sleeping.  You are a ‘life force being’ who radiates energy vibrations, just like electricity.  Some of us operate at full capacity easily and effortlessly.  Some of us are barely operating.  Some of us are somewhere in between.  Some of us are sick and some of us on this planet are so out of touch.  So how can we get to the place of beginnings?

Meditation is a vacation within that teaches us over time where our center is, what balance feels like and where our jumping off and landing back point is, our place of beginnings.
What do I mean by that?
Life has a way of pushing us around, literally and figuratively.  Sometimes we overextend ourselves, we stop taking care of ourselves and allow ourselves to get away from optimum health, we over eat, or over drink or over work too much, we lose sleep, we get into arguments, we get disappointed, we get stressed out, frustrated, we act out and we can eventually get sick from all of this pushing. 

Unfortunately, the humans I've experienced around the Northern New Jersey area in particular are quite interested in pushing.  They push on the highway, in the hallway, in the grocery store, at the mall.  You do not want a confrontation but if the majority of the people are walking around with dense energies, you are susceptible to that energy.  You can absorb that density and take on its traits and become short tempered, get really stressed out and start to push back.  We’re watching all over the world people being pushed by low vibrating humans and then other low vibrating humans are pushing back, harder and more often.

Meditation is the opposite of pushing.  Meditation is the acceptance, release, detachment and freedom from every day stresses that once you begin to practice, seem to, over time, have less meaning.  Your frequency gets higher.  The denser energies of sadness, disappointment, anger, and stress, etc. resonate less.  When we operate from a low capacity these denser energies resonate strongly since we are closer to that vibration but optimally our goal is to raise our vibration, increase our capacity to accept and release thereby creating freedom which I can associate with the feeling of a really amazing vacation where you breathe deeply without a care in the world.  The secret is that the ‘vacation’ lies within perception.

Sounds easy right?  Well it is.  Meditation is the easiest thing in the world to do.  You do not need any equipment (although Young Living Essential Oils definitely help), you do not need any special clothing.  All you need is the desire to reach a state of being that is peaceful, joyful, expansive, healing, Holy, and delightful.

Eat, drink, use the restroom, shut off all electronic equipment and be prepared to sit comfortably, uninterrupted for at least 5 minutes the first time.  Notice I did not say there should be silence in the world.  There is no such thing.  As I am typing I can hear the orchestra of crickets outside my window.  There will ALWAYS be distractions.  These will be effortlessly and easily overcome with practice.  Do not concern yourself with noise.  Just go within.
Sit or lie down or hang from a tree if that makes you comfortable, the key is to come to meditation with no physical desires EXCEPT stillness, peacefulness and grounding.  I use Highest Potential or Peace and Calming Essential Oil and inhale it deeply to further prepare myself for this quiet time.

After you've read all the way through, begin by closing your eyes.  Take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply and holding it in at the top of the breath for a moment or two, and then releasing slowly and fully.  Repeat this two, or three times to bring your focus to your breath and away from the many thoughts of the mind. 

At this point the mind may resist and ask you to do a million things, and it may even chastise you for not ‘doing’ something, but trust your highest self.

“You are a human being not a human doing”.
as Deepak Chopra said, and meditation is indeed ‘something’.

Relax into your breathing, and begin to WATCH as your many endless, contrary, opinionated, passion filled thoughts come to your mind to distract you, to tell you of their urgency.  Relax and just let them float by, returning to your deep inhale, holding it at the top for a moment or two, and then releasing slowly.

Every time you find yourself ‘thinking’, bring your focus back to your breath and away from the mind.  The goal is to create space in between your thoughts.  The goal is to quiet the mind and connect you to your warm and loving heart center so that you can connect with your highest self, your life force energy, your Chi, Ki or Qi.  With practice, you can learn to connect, tap into, turn onto, lean into, and radiate from your heart center all the peace necessary to navigate this world which is by far the most powerful way to go.

There is more positive energy emanating from a meditative heart than anger from a bitter one.  Bliss, joy, love and peace are derived, cultivated, shared, taught and learned from this energy center.  They are the highest vibrating emotions and intentions one can have.  Meditation helps us to release anything that holds us back from these and unconditionally loving ourselves first and then one another.

Now, with a deep inhalation bring your attention from the breath in your chest to your heart center where all the love in the world is stored.  Place your hand on your heart with the intention to love, honor, embrace and comfort yourself for all that you do, have done or will do as a spirit being having a human experience.  If you know you've done the best you can do, love yourself.  If you know you can do better, love yourself.  If you know you've not done enough, love yourself.  Try and create a deep love for yourself and if possible, love deeper. Connect your deep breathing with the slow, steady, rhythmic beat of your heart.  This is the source and pulse of energy and frequency that you are emitting.  Others coming into your presence can feel this emission before they speak with you.  Emit the highest possible frequency and just like sound waves bounce and return, the highest possible frequency will emit back.

Inhale deeply.  Think calm.  Hold for a moment or two, exhale deeply and smile. Congratulations.  You have just taken your first meditation trip to the place of beginnings.  This place is your source of all calm, peace, bliss and joy, even in the midst of hardships and trials.  This center place is the place you want to become intimately familiar with.  The more you visit the calmer and more peaceful your state of being will become and the more your ability to cope with adversity increases.  Naturally this will spill over into every cell in your body making them calmer and more peaceful and that increases health and wellness.  Meditation is the first step to become aware of and taking control of your state of being and making sure you are on the right track.  You can visit this place as often as you like, you just need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and begin your journey within.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The 'I'm Taking America Back' Challenge

We have traversed this path many, many times and each time we pass, the Universe is hopeful that we will be travelling lighter, each and every time.  Fall has come once again and it seems, almost a little too quickly for us northern New Jersians, who just endured one of the toughest Winters we can recall.  But, we made it nonetheless, and with the seasonal changes come the consumerism nightmares.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fun and laughter, warmth and gift giving, but we, here in the Western world, have taken this to a whole 'nother level and it's really quite despicable.  Even the terrorists wait for us to fill the malls and stores so they can take as many of us out as possible, but we keep showing up, year after year, no matter what.

This country is in dire straits.  Our soldiers are fighting so many unknown, unfamiliar, unnamed and named enemies and they're losing their lives.  They fight for our freedom, so, what?  So we can continue in funding the corruption that is in charge?

Most Americans are aware of what's happening.  Most Americans are horrified by what has happened to our beautiful country.  However, most Americans are still acting as if nothing is happening.  They are still buying more than they need, throwing away what should be recycled, taking medicines and vaccines that kill, eating poisonous food EVERYDAY, polluting, and turning a blind eye, which makes it that much harder for the rest of us.

I just came back from grocery shopping and while I understand organic, or farm fresh food, is more expensive than mainstream food, is it that difficult to see what long term usage of these tainted GMO products will lead to?  Haven't we all seen enough of the pharmaceutical business solutions to our health concerns?   I mean, anyone paying attention?

I am a cancer survivor.  After having gone through a few weeks of radiation and hearing that a 'nutritionist' was coming to visit with me, I was excited, thinking I was going to get an inside track on what NOT to eat.  That was laughable as her job was to just make sure I was still eating status quo.  Makes sense, doesn't it?

As long as you continue to buy, buy, buy - change will not happen.

When my grandparents ruled the world, we had a much simpler life.  Gifts were simpler.  Food was simpler.  Government was simpler.  World domination and exploitation, while it existed, was not as healthy as the fatted calf America has become.  Oh, we are ripe for the slaughter.  We are passive, we are unhealthy, and some, if not most of us are not even conscious yet.

Haven't we suffered enough as a country.  Haven't we been attacked and lost enough?  How many more of our children need to suffer?  How many more?

How will you address these issues this HOLIDAY season?  Will you continue to fund the blind eye of corruption?  Will you teach your children to do the same?

I am a child of the 60's and 70's and I miss the days when Americans marched on Washington.  I miss the days when the megaphone blared on the corner with a wholesome alternative message.  I miss the days of freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.  I miss freedom period.  We are selling our souls to the devil in the name of big corporation, con agra, big pharma, big consumerism - and where would they be without us?

Indeed.  Where would they be without you?  Perhaps this year we need to send a very loud message to our government, our congress, our President, our enemies.  Perhaps America needs to get a back bone, stand up in our local communities and fight back and let Monsanto and all of these other corrupt, blood sucking, dark shadow forces know that we will not take this lying down.  I, personally, will fight for this country through my words, deeds, testimonies, and overall life long philosophy, which is love one another, do no harm, help one another, edify one another, lift others up, put others first, feed the world, pray for the world, forgive the world.

I wonder if this season will be any different.  I wonder if the American people will continue to fund what will ultimately be our demise.  If we continue on this path and look back and ask, 'how did this happen', I will be right there to tell them they chose to close their eyes on the big picture and deceive themselves into thinking their backyards were the only ones that were important.  America, wake up!  Our backyards are all attached.  We are all connected.  We are all in this together and we have the power to change everything.  We have the power to take back our country.  Just think how one million people, who decided not to spend their hard earned money this year on the latest and greatest bs gadgets, could effect the economy if they took that money and put it into a fund for resolution, not a bank mind you, but a mutual fund.  The mutual fund would be for the future of America.  Keep your money under your mattress.  Do not put it into the Federal Reserve.  Do not take out any more loans.  Do not apply for any more credit.  The system is overloaded and being cloaked in deception anyway.  We are only making them fatter and more aggressive toward us.  It's time to take our country back and it starts today.

I challenge you to do things simpler this year.  Buy less.  Do not be the one who doesn't care how it's made, what creature had to die in order for you to be warm in it, how much it costs 'cause you got it like that.  Believe me, money and power corrupt completely.  Just look around.  We have no one to blame except ourselves.  Take the 'I'm taking America back' challenge and put your money in your pocket.  Just watch and see what happens.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Believe In What You Want To See

Seeing isn't always pretty.  Seeing is sometimes the hardest thing to do when your heart is wide open.  You don't want to see everything there is to see but because of your awakening, you must.  Perception is a counter balance, of course, but even in the balance the truth of what you see, witness, get close enough to be burned by, can be alarming.  If I didn't have a spiritual life, faith, and a daily disciple of meditation, prayer and exercise, I might become overwhelmed.

Does anyone out there feel this way?

These are amazingly transformative times.  You are either aware and going with this new energy, or you are unaware, perhaps still self absorbed by the ego and believing in the old status quo, the old paradigm.  If you are the former, bravo, you've found your path, keep going.  If you are the latter, there is still plenty of time to get onboard and change your life for the better, raise your vibration, and create more peace on the planet.

The fundamental questions remain, "What is your life really all about"?  "Why are you here"?  "What is your true purpose"?  Perhaps you've already answered these questions sufficiently in your life and you are pursuing all of your dreams with passion and determination.  Perhaps you've had a spiritual encounter or awakening that catapulted you to the next 'spiritual level' and you are now reaping a harvest and gathering the fruit thereof.  Perhaps you've only just started to question your purpose and you haven't got a clue.  Perhaps you really don't care and just want to play video games.  Welcome to the club.  We're all in this mix somewhere.  We've all been on one overlapping path after the other.  This is the human learning experience and one of the keys to a good learning experience is to be asking the questions.  There are no wrong questions.  Just keep asking them of yourself, of each other, of Spirit, of Almighty God.  The answers most definitely come to the heart that is searching.  Test the answers.  Listen carefully and make sure you're not spinning the answer to keep you exactly where you are.  Accept the truth and know that sometimes (most times) it's not what you think.   Keep the faith and keep tapping into the quest for more knowledge.  You, just like me, will not be disappointed.  A true and pure heart searching for the truth will surely not search in vain.  You will, indeed, find more and see more than you could ever have imagined.

Yes seeing is great especially in a world seemingly so blind to the damage that it does.  The opposite of that is also true.  The way this paradigm is set up, it is completely blind to the good that the world does even more.  We have a skewed perception due to the media and the information we absorb when in fact, if we tapped into the spiritual perspective, we would see things very differently.  There is good in the world, quite a lot of it.  And rest assured, someone is keeping track.  The world and the way it exists should tell us that history can be read through many, many divine and natural sources.  The truth will always be revealed and you will know the truth when you see it.

So now that you're asking the questions and receiving answers through life experience, repeated lessons, prayer, and meditation, what do we do with all that we see?

Pray.  Pray for the world to be peaceful.  Pray for the hungry to be fed.  Pray for the blind to see.    Pray for the weak to be strengthened.  Pray for the lonely to be comforted.  Pray for the sick to be healed.  Pray for the wicked to be enlightened.  Pray for our enemies.  Pray for the suffereing that the Holy Spirit would minister to them.  Pray until you fall asleep from exhaustion and when you arise, pray some more.

If you can see what I can see, the world needs healers, prayer warriors, and spiritual leaders willing to pray the human race into the most amazing revolution the world has ever seen.  Love will change the world.  Love will heal the world.  Love will cover a multitude ... and let's stop and look at that for a minute.  I emphasize that a record is being kept....and the Scripture I'm quoting above - love COVERS a multitude of sins.  Why would it need to be covered if in our sinful nature we purposely covered it?  Who can see it?  Who can see the wrong things we do in the shadow?  ~*~

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.  There are no tears that will not be wiped away or any heartache that will not be mended.  These healings are happening, in the here and now.  You need not wait.  If you want to see clearly, seek clarity.  If you want to see with eyes of compassion, seek compassion.  If you want to see the love of humanity, seek the source of all love, the Spirit of Love itself.  You will not be disappointed when, with practice, your seeing eyes and your perception will reach a most effective level.

Pray for what you see, hope for what you cannot.

Monday, July 28, 2014


It's been a great, little while since I've written, but I've been really well.  I hope this finds you well also and I hope you enjoy the video I posted.  I just stumbled upon it (HA - as if), and it just so eloquently delivers a mirror into my soul.  I need to move to Hawaii.  Don't be surprised if I do.  I've been to Kauai and I'm just yearning to go back, more than ever.  This just kind of clinched it for me.  Reiki is pretty popular there (everywhere) and if I could find a job there - poof.  Watch me.

Well, why not?  I've got nothing to lose and I really have the limitless sky holding me back.  And, if you're going to start over, why not in paradise?  Oh no, it really is.  Turtles, whales, beaches, rain forests, hawaiian culture and love.  It's America, only paradise.  It's on my list - and as they say, be careful because your worst nightmare comes true in the end...that's why, my worst nightmare is retiring somewhere on one of the islands of Hawaii.  Why not?  After this past Winter...

Some seasons are colder than others and spiritually speaking, the Winter of my soul is over.  This I know.  I am heading for warmer seasons.  I feel it.  Either way, I'm finding grace to be the order of the day and complete trust.  Well, the other way around really.  First, I completely trust and then the grace of God meets me and lifts up my heavy chin toward bluer skies.  Truer skies.  I'm liberated.  I don't have to work at it.  Effortless and easy becomes the awakening.  And, what a great peace and deep knowing in "all is well", and "all is as it should be".  I just keep showing up, meditating, praying, and setting healing intentions and know I am venturing into the manifestation territory of my future and dreams.  I know I am stepping into that which God has carved out for me.  I've heard that in my spirit many times.  I know that the more I listen and the more I yield, the more God will lead.  That really becomes the effortless and easy part.

I gave a Reiki lecture recently to some beautiful students of Bergen Community College, and I've been practicing Reiki regularly.  I also aquired my Akashic Record Certification at a long weekend workshop.  I've come a long way - or should I say, Spirit has led me a long way.  Yes.  Yes, that's what I will say. 

Glory to the Most High God, who lives and reigns and has Her being in me.  I'm so looking forward again.  It's been a while since I've really felt the lightness and hope of that sentiment.  I deserve it.  Just me, just the way I am.  I AM. 

love love love

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Life Springs Forth

While Spring may be 24 hours away, I can feel the seeds of newness, joy and miraculous possibilities springing forth inside of me. I no longer feel that blanket of doubt and fear. I believe I have truly come out the other side.

My beloved Cricket is amongst the stardust as I type. My two favorite guys in the whole world (truth be told there are a few more favs) are on the glorious mend and I am happy, delighted, relieved and not surprised, that I am cancer free.

This moment is full of potential and life and while life may still be challenging, and who doesn't love a good challenge, I am completely up for it. I feel like a newborn looking out of new eyes for the first time and all that I see is glorious. I can't quite explain it yet. There is something more going on inside. I am not who I used to be and I think I am heading for some major changes that will propel me into the being I have been sculpted to be. There are no coincidences. There is a master plan and I feel that I have just stepped into the magical steps that are my life.

All is well and as it should be. It always has been, but there is a certain clarity, fearlessness, appreciation, and love that I am only just now beginning to realize. These have always been inside of me but life acts as the watering can to induce growth in stagnant places. Once you turn toward the light, the light springs forth and waters, nurtures and more than grows. There is some serious growing going on....just in time for Spring.

I am truly grateful and happy to be alive. I know I have work to do, souls to heal, people to teach. Thanks be to God for I am truly on the path to fulfilling my life's purpose.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Trying Times

As I type this, I am sitting vigil with my beloved cancer stricken feline companion of over 13 years, Cricket, a.k.a., Cricksley Wicksley, Wicket, Wick. Cricket has been the most vocal, most anti-social, most fierce, love and attention starved being I've ever rescued. From the day I rescued her, I noticed that she was quite needy and traumatized from wherever and whatever. I rescued her from the local animal shelter, along with her sister Rosie, and now here we are. We have done all we can do for her medically and the vet gave her only a couple of days, so now, it's just a matter of time. I have been giving her Reiki, intentionally of course, and it's just flowing all the time now. Just thinking about her starts my hands up. I've learned alot about healing from her in the past couple of years. I am happy to say she's resting comfortably right now, having eaten and taken water, so there's still quite a lot of fight in her. She even managed to sit in the sun today - the thing she loves more than life itself. I honor her. I love her and I am so very grateful for her loyal companionship. I hope that I have been everything she's ever needed and I truly hope that I am and will be all she needs now. This is just the craziest week for this kind of thing. Tomorrow, I go for my yearly mammography. That deserves a line all by itself doesn't it? Dare I say that I have tremendous faith that I am cancer free? I feel well despite the radiation pneumonitis that I had 11 months ago. Truth be told, I feel really great. I mean, I am a fright to see right now with puffy eyes and a broken heart, but I'm optimistic about my health. Stay tuned. I will definitely update this blog. Now, the only things left on the agenda are two of my most favorite people in the whole world having major surgeries this week. Two very dominant males in my life are going for surgery one day apart. I have been sitting vigil with Cricket for the last 24 hours...I think this is going to be a week and half for me. I promised myself I won't cry anymore today. I know with everything going on emotion is to be expected and I allow myself all the crying time I need until it's time to move on. Crying is a huge release of energy, and a cleansing as well. Then, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. I am doing just that. It's just that right now, this week, last week...tremendous pressure. It's good to blog about such things, processes and challenges, but most of all solutions, coping skills. Prayer, meditation, gratitude, consciousness...all tools in the coping skill bag of tricks. I know that both of my guys are going to be fine. God is looking after all of us. We put our faith in him. He makes our crooked ways straight, He heals our wounds, He guides our steps. God bless you Frankie and Jimmy. I love you with all of my heart. I couldn't ask for better friends and you couldn't ask for a better prayer warrior. God speed to all my beloved, no matter what they're facing. May the Hand of God protect them and heal them. I hope that when I look back and read these, or when you read these blogs, that you (we) learn something about human nature, human spirituality, divinity, prayer, belief, grace....cause this is the real deal. This is what life is all about. The yin and the yang. Finding the Face of God in everything. I am indeed learning to find the Face of God in everyone and everything. Everything. That's a lot of stuff. That's all the stuff.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's a Beautiful Day

When you wake up in the morning, I hope you realize that your life is starting all over again. With every awakening you are that much closer but you are also getting a mulligan. You are getting a chance to do it all over again, better, wiser, stronger and more confidently than the day before. Hopefully you are keeping notes and remembering and forgetting all at the same time. Hopefully you are not judging tomorrow because of yesterday. Hopefully you are living in today and not tomorrow. Hopefully you are present breathing in the here and now of it all, and when you close your eyes to sleep and rest, you do just that. You rest and renew and restore so that in the brand new shinyness of the morning you too can shine. That's what mornings are for. That's who mornings are for.

Have you ever noticed that most mornings start off with a huge bang? Sure they're mostly quiet and serene except for that explosive ball of firey, eye-blinding light in the sky. It is far from quiet and serene yet we gain a sense of calm from it. On the contrary, our sun is pure fire burning, endlessly flaring and exploding, forever cascading heat and warmth, growth, light, and yet a constant miraculous, mysterious comfort. What should we make of this? Well, we should probably at the least be 'all in' when we wake up in the morning. Pay attention tomorrow when you wake up. Are you replaying what happened last night, yesterday, last week, or heaven forbid, last year? Are you waking up replaying all your failures and failed efforts only to feel defeated before your feet even touch the floor? Is your all consuming fire full of the desire to warm, grow, light and comfort the world or is your all consuming fire just about out and smoldering in ashes? Perhaps it's time for some self evaluation. Perhaps you need to go outside and sit in the sunshine and ponder it's existence, let it warm you and coax you into a growth spurt. Perhaps a little poderance of life's mysteries is called for.

With every day that passes and with every morning my eyes open, I am amazed at the reality that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am definetly not where I was yesterday and I have no idea where I will be tomorrow. I do not have my life figured out so definitively as of yet. I used to. I used to have big plans steeped in my desires but plans change just like the weather especially when your plans include other people. Sometimes people change their minds. The constant though, is the creator. I am the constant creator in my life and I can destroy and create my reality at will.

That's my current realization.

It took a nudge from my Qi-gong healer to get my psyche to let go of the dread conditioning that unfortunately permeates everything and most everyone lately. I had my feet planted firmly in defeat and didn't even realize it. In my most recent session, I acted like a spoiled child who couldn't see that the cookies were right there in front of me. I couldn't see the cookies were right there in front of me because my eyes were closed shut. I was unable to grasp the notion that the cookies were RIGHT THERE. Why? Because I had allowed myself to believe that 'this was as good as it gets'. What a bunch of rubbish.

It wasn't until the appointed time when my healer worked his 'magic' that I could see clearly again. The reset button didn't exist prior to that session in my mind. It absolutely existed though, I mean, we live in a Universe of abundance and infinite possibilities but I couldn't or wouldn't be open to it...yet. 
However, once the illumination began, the scales fell from my eyes, the weight lifted, I had a renewed sense of life and possibilities. Right before that though - all's I could say was 'No!, No!, No!' Silly little girl.

How is it that someone like me who is on a quest for light and Spirit and all things God, be sound asleep?

Well, I'm not really. The truth is I am on a quest.

God knows what I seek and He also knows what I need to know. As I wake up every morning I have a sincere desire to be better than I was yesterday, to honor the light and love and God inside of me, to honor all of that in all of you, and to be the best I can be. God knows that. The Angels know that. The Universe knows that. All of us are conspiring to make all of this happen. What I desire I am a magnet to. All that I concentrate on becomes larger. Therefore, all that I seek I will find. It's the most basic of effective equations but you have to be open to the answers. Please don't assume you have anything figured out. Once you do that you are putting sleeping pills in your mouth and then you're sleepwalking, talking and making sense to only everyone else who is asleep, but the truly present know better. They recognize a sleeping human. If invited, they gently nudge them awake, give them a shot of sunshine and promise them that the blue skies are real and so are the butterflies.

Life is magical.

Don't fall back to sleep and believe that it's all doom and gloom. Would a butterfly ever come out of its cocoon if anyone ever told it that?

I am in awe of this life, this hollogram, this human experience as Spirit. I am thrilled that God has graced this Spirit with a body to navigate this dimension. (There are many dimensions my friends.) I am a very curious being and I have learned to unlearn everything I've ever known about this life and I have been reset back to core which is child-like bliss, curiosity, creation, love, kindness, playfullness, and mysteriousness. You wanna play?