Friday, November 14, 2008

Breaking the Fast

Whew. The one day fast is over.

You know what? It wasn't that hard.

I certainly felt different yesterday than, let's say today.

Yesterday, I chewed nothing. I drank a lot.

Tons of carrot juice. Tons of water and tea.

I felt great. Good energy. Different.

Towards the end of the night I got a slight headache and then it went away.

But then it came back and that was enough for me...the light started bothering me so I just went to bed.

Slept great and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to do it again (but I didn't).

Today so far I've had a protein, blueberry, banana, psyllium, flax seed oil & water shake, a tea w/milk, one teaspoon of sugar...

1/2 cup of cooked couscous w/a handful of walnuts, soymilk and and 1/2 an orange.

I had TWO peanut butter sandwiches on toasted multi-grain bread w/regular 2% milk.

And, I'm having baked salmon in teriyake sauce w/celery & carrots and a big salad for dinner.

All homemade.

That's a lot of food.

I'm starting to pay closer attention.

I like to eat healthfully - probably more so than I realize.

Whole foods, less processed (which I don't really eat), fresh ingredients.

And less of it. Smaller portions.

More water.

This should be easy and for some it is, others have to work harder at it.

I'm not perfect, I ate my share of halloween candy - but when the time came,
I put that garbage away happily.

As for fasting, Thursday's seems to be the target now with my Forum friends.

EVERY THURSDAY : | Don't know if I can do it every week.

How 'bout you? Can you give it up - for a day?

Take the fast for a day challenge and see if you've got what it takes : )

1 comment:

Lisa Sargese said...

I have a fear of fasting, but reading about yours makes me feel better about the possibility. Speaking of there a Reiki share in the area? A lady friend from school was asking me if you knew of any.