I have been focusing on my path.
This is unlike any other path before it.
This one is deliberately created by me.
The other paths I think I sometimes just stumbled upon.
Not all of them, but most.
I learned a lot. I wish I could forget a lot.
But, then I wouldn't be me, would I?
No, the path that I'm on now is sublime.
I know I am a teacher, healer and blogging author - but I didn't know anyone else knew that.
I'm mean really?
My Grandmother used to say to me "Maria, you could sell sand to the Arabs!".
That's hysterical.
She was right.
Corporate Sales was awesome and fun. I managed multi-million dollar books of business.
I travelled all over the US and brought in more new customers than my counterparts.
It was easy for me.
Let me clarify. Selling was easy. Public speaking and presentations, easy.
Travelling away from my home - not so.
Sure I loved to fly. I loved to visit new places and explore. But not alone and I digress...
Once I believed in a product, I could sell it. People responded.
Well, indeed, I've always had the gift of gab.
I received a D in Conduct in First Grade. Just would not shut up and disrupted the whole class.
This was different.
Last night, I had the privilege and honor of speaking to two Montclair State University's Introductory to Religion classes about my passion - the healing modality of Reiki.

Only four students had ever heard of Reiki.
One said she had a Reiki treatment and didn't like it. Hmmm.
This was not selling sand to the Arabs.
This was important.
You can see Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, behind and directly above me in this shot. How appropriate.
I'm sure most of these students have heard of lexipro, prozac, and paxil just to name a few.
I'm sure they've heard of antibiotics, and flu shots and drugs on the street.
And I could list probably a million more drugs that they might not know about yet, but if the pharmaceutical industry has it their way, these students will know about them, think they need them and be addicted to them before you can say 'heal yourself'.
But Reiki, they've not heard of Reiki.
My time has come. I taught them all I could.
The response was wonderful.
Lots of questions at the end. Hopefully, I answered all of them.
And a few angels that needed some extra special attention came up to me and we talked.
Yes, that's who I showed up for.
It was not about selling or pushing a product.
It was about connecting with people in their vulnerability, in their dis-ease and dis-comfort for themselves, or someone they love.
The selflessness struck me.
They shone like the sun/Son in that moment.
My eyes got all twinkly.
Namaste to the students at MSU for allowing me inside.
A loving thank you to my friend, my cousin, my sister, Professor Lisa Sargese who invited me to her home court at the lecture hall on the campus of MSU. Please visit her blog at http://www.theskinnyonline.blogspot.com/. She's witty and funny and beautiful and has a serious crush on comic Jimmy Norton that has reached new heights : )
And lastly, a sincere thank you to God who has freely given.
Those who have ears to hear . . .
I was surfing around and found someone who is interested in metaphysics who dosen't sound like they smoke too much dope! Great post. I agree with you, your time HAS come! I hope people become UN-cultured to take a pill for whatever.
My beautiful sister, cousin, blogger, healer, Maria the Ri Ra was a NATURAL speaker. My students were captivated. The presentation had facts, passion, stories and glowing energy because of the fabulously generous energy of Maria. I was proud. I was moved. I look forward to bringing my Ray Kee guru back for a workshop at MSU. We loved the love you shared!!
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