Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Beautification in Progress

Transforming this office space into Reiki space has been a labor of love.

It was relatively easy once I made up my mind and of course, Jimmy helped me every step of the way. Thank you my love.

The old desk? It is a great desk...but I'm done with it. It served me well, and out it went. We transported it to Mom's house. Recycling it was the only option.


It's amazing what we get used to when we don't apply ourselves.

It's amazing what we call comfortable.

Imagine what a little bit of love,


determination can do

to change our situations

or the spaces we live in

or the lives of others.

Clean up the clutter and make room for space.

Perspective is everything.

It can be healing or toxic.

It can be fluid or blocked.

It's always our choice.

What we choose to look at every day affects us.

What we surround ourselves with every day affects us.

What we hold onto especially affects us.

What we believe affects us.

What we think about affects us.

What we believe/think about we become.

What we let go of, sets us free.

That was the old me.

This is the new me (Mojo's peeking).

Rosie checking it out.
Much better don't you think?

My prayer is that the Holiest of Spirits would find refuge in this space and bring





and healing

to me, my home, my family, my friends and the world.

I still need a few more things, the furniture is not exactly as I want it to be.

Big improvement, no?


Pale Pink Aura said...

Your new Reiki room is just gorgeous - very calm and soothing.

Lisa Sargese said...

MoJo AND a Thanksgiving bell-head turkey love the space!! And I like the idea of making room for space. I'm doing that for myself too. The chi is flowing, baby! luv ya