Anger is to an erupting volcano as comfort is to a freshly made bed
just waiting for the weight of your body after a long, hard day at work.
Anger is a storehouse of energy scattering out in all different directions at once.
It is unpredictable, unrelenting and unabashed.
There are almost no rules and pity reigns supreme for anyone who dares
to defy it. Even when our highest self, with
clarity and foresight, speaks lightning fast wisdom, it too can get caught up in
the fire storm being challenged by the heat. Anger, very much like volcanic fire, is
indiscriminate. It is eager and quite content to
go from this to that once sparks start to fly. Beginning as a molten hot spark of discontent, its' greatness comes
after time spent isolated and nurtured in careful contemplation, even
meditation, ultimately to stoke and gain combustibility powers. Ultimately anything that is in contrast to
anger, everything and anything will be consumed. It erupts, and long after the embers have cooled, it retains its' memory and is still very inflamed.
Most people say they have never meditated before but
concentrating with focused precision on one thing repeatedly for an extended
period of time is surely a form of meditation (and attachment), and since
thoughts are energy, eventually thoughts will produce. That thought will multiply. Anger energy when allowed will expand and
grow into other abilities and dark force powers. It becomes a magnet to them. Pride is one level up from anger believe it or not. Desire and fear are lower and are never far
behind. Grief, apathy, guilt and shame are
all closely related and lower vibrations still. A cup of anger mixed with guilt and shame is a toxic elixir indeed.
But, why so much anger in our society, in our culture, in our world? Why have we allowed ourselves to display this behavior, not only to others but to our own children and family? Our own children reflect our behaviors back to us and we shake our heads trying to figure out why they behave that way. We are all in such denial but thank God for families and closeness. Contrast surely shows up in close quarters to help strengthen bonds. When we focus on the lower energies, we may tend to judge one another and opt out of the relationship thinking less is more, but anger in one family translates to a lot of different types of manifestations, both passive and aggressive. Avoidance is a tactic the ego uses to keep a lower energy in tact. Look closely. Perhaps this is your situation. If so, surround yourself with light and know that the answers are right in front of you (in this blog :) and also within).
Anger is a fire that today, our society stokes, media counts on, world government fuels, entertainment glorifies, correctional institutions ignore, and individuals
justify. This does not have to be.
On a national scale, there has been so much bombardment of
the numbing agenda against the American people, we barely fight back anymore
with authority, we just fight with each other.
When anger becomes a resource of power for influential avenues to
manipulate, it becomes clear that the powers that be are counting on anger
playing a major role in their contriving and self serving designs. Anger keeps the politicians paid, ratings up,
jails full, wars endless, weapons sold out, street and pharma drugs feeding soul
crushing addictions, the hungry unfed, the homeless homeless, the poor poor,
and the worst part is the rich richer.
But, let’s not judge the anger community and it’s many partners. That defeats the whole purpose of looking
deeply into it. There is light at the
end of the anger tunnel. You just have
to keep digging beyond the illusion.
If anger were to enter into this discussion at this point it
would no doubt be angry about everything we are looking into. It would brood and fester and act out showing
its contempt through various means potentially even physical violence. The fear that anger demonstrates would become
all to obvious. If you could slow down and
witness the anger energy objectively with compassion, you may see something you’ve
never seen before. If unable to slow
down, the anger in you may resonate, rise up and match it. You’ve seen it all before. If you have any doubts just watch the old,
antiquated ‘news’. They seemingly keep unbiased
track of who is on what side, how many wars have been fought, how many targets
were hit, how much money was made, and who’s side you should be on. They keep track of the anger tally always from
the perspective of them, not us, and you just need to know who signs their checks
to know why. It is anything but
unbiased, they know it, but do we? And
what of all this talk about anger and what if the angry person is you?
What is the foundation of our anger in the first place?
Desire and disappointments that
you've experienced are in the forefront of your mind and you hear
yourself say to others, “You just don’t
understand.”, 'You’ve never gone
through it, so you don’t know." You continue to allow the perfectly landscaped hedge of isolation to get stronger so your anger can fully mature into
a reliable yet sometimes unpredictable and combustible firestorm. Even when others suggest calmness or forgiveness as a
quelling solution, the anger speaks up defiantly because forgiveness, while
being a higher vibrating virtue, is perceived as weakness and since ego is in
charge, it rarely chooses the path of least resistance. It can not see past the illusion it has created for itself, “What could possibly be more
important beyond me and how wronged I feel?”.
As for calmness and forgiveness, the anger energy is just too big at this stage to tick down, but, and here's the beauty, it is absolutely doable, transmutable, healable, sealable. It's true. Just start with calm observation, breathing, slowing down, removing yourself when necessary to catch your power breath back. If you are aware of your anger and you've begun to dismantle it, forgiveness will surely arrive as a fork in the road up ahead. This is karmic, cosmic and circular as far as life lessons, choices and synchronicity's are concerned. What goes around, comes back around so know you will get another chance, many chances in fact if you do not get it. If you are truly unaware of your anger, don't worry. Your highest self knows and will be bringing it up to your attention when you least expect it, like a solar flare, blistering hot.
Keep in mind, when anger energy hits a high note it has all of your irrational power. It has the potential to take you out, to make you sick, to hurt others, to act in ways that are never in your best interest, and it is ugly. If allowed to grow, you may find yourself on the other side of a nasty outburst that could have been prevented, should have been prevented, and will be prevented once you know how.
Sadly to some, love is cliche which just goes to show you the level of discontent that exists in some of us. Ultimately, the hearts real job is to lovingly convince the mind that it’s okay to let go of the old stories and replace them with new, higher vibrating ones. Only love can do that. Only love can soothe the soul and smooth the ruffled feathers of ego and pride. Only love can forgive trespasses. Only a heart full of love for self first can give this gift. The love in your heart wants to grow just like anger does. We are used to allowing anger to grow, and we are used to displays of anger in all forms. But, when it comes to love, unconditional love, we resist because we just don't know how, or why, we should love ourselves, give unconditionally, or accept love from others.
How did this happen and are we teaching this to our children?
For me, my inner child ran the show for many, many years. She was hurt and disappointed and immature. She only knew a few ways to express herself and acting out was definitely one of them. She, (I), shut down my heart years ago and allowed all the lower vibrating energies to take over, including anger. I was proficient at all of them and truth be told, that knowing does not diminish with enlightenment, but it enabled me to transmute the anger into an energy that is sustainable, manageable and useable. I chose to allow the anger to leave, and I chose to invite peace to take its place, and boy is it a journey of choice, calmness and forgiveness.
When I realized how much pain I was in, how angry I was, and
how disappointment was crippling me, I decided to stop in my tracks and take human,
mental, emotional and spiritual stock of my states of being. I realized that I am the creator of my life and I needed to see the complete design in my doing and creating, inventory was crucial. I decided that I was worth the trek and the investment in uncoiling my
inner child’s heart. That led to the connection to my soul and highest
Left to her own devices, my inner
child was hell bent on making sure everyone knew the ‘in chains and bound’
stories that were collecting. The accumulation of wrongs were unconsciously indexed, categorized, and all available in the library of remembrance. Reality, after all, must be faced! That's what most people think but that's just not the way it is. Reality is created. It's what you make of it. Had I stayed in that state of despair, surely I would not be writing this blog or dreaming dreams of writing books and helping the masses. I'd be keeping an altogether different log.
Luckily, my higher self had a better story. My ever patient, ever teaching highest self, lovingly shined light on the inflection in my own voice, so much so that when I would hear my own stories, they just weren't as satisfying as they used to be. I could hear my own bitterness. I started to see the pain. I asked to be healed and immediately the healing process began.
Healing happens in layers as much as all at once. The all at once part is typically a thought or feeling that usually starts a shimmering cascade of upward glimpses that lead to ultimate bliss and joy of the soul, but it is indeed
a stepping stone journey that begins with complete and utter self
awareness. Truth, to the soul of the
soul. You must be honest and if you have
trouble with that, sit alone in meditation. Being alone and meditating raises your consciousness to a higher level which illuminates that which no longer serves you. Meditation shines on all those things that stand in the way of true inner peace, be it people, places, behaviors, patterns, beliefs, associations, objects, addictions, etc. Once you see your obstacles, you can start to create a plan of navigation using everything you experience, keeping the good and truly learning from it, applying what you've learned, and recycling and sharing your wisdom. Nothing is cast out as useless, as refuse. All is used for the good of all.
That being said, be aware that whoever you yoke up
with in this state may just be the same reflection of your original condition and not
the step up that you were hoping for. When it hurts too much to grow, we take
ourselves out of the growing fields and place ourselves in the mourning fields with likeminded others where growth is much, much slower and can even be seen as stifled. This growth typically produces dis-ease and illness in the body just as stagnant waters are unhealthy to drink, this state of being is unhealthy to true productivity. But when hurt is planted in the truth fields,
much fruit is harvested, much growth is had, and much change for the better is promised. The future holds many flowering fields for healing hearts to flourish in truth.
So, bring your story into the light and tell your truth one last time. Allow the light to cascade in and all around you, your hurt, your disappointment, your fragile heart. Forgive again, yourself, others, people, places, things. Forgive, ceremoniously, that which holds you back. I assure you, if you are brave enough to look, you will see things that you can begin to forgive and release and then, you will see more, and as you gain strength, you will gain momentum. You will say, "Anger and greed, NO MORE!"
So, bring your story into the light and tell your truth one last time. Allow the light to cascade in and all around you, your hurt, your disappointment, your fragile heart. Forgive again, yourself, others, people, places, things. Forgive, ceremoniously, that which holds you back. I assure you, if you are brave enough to look, you will see things that you can begin to forgive and release and then, you will see more, and as you gain strength, you will gain momentum. You will say, "Anger and greed, NO MORE!"
And, as you allow the new condition of your
mind to take hold, it will compassionately and lovingly alert you to lower
vibrations that challenge your peace. Do
not take the bait. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. This is where you slow down and say, "No
thank you, I appreciate the offer, but been there, done that. I protect my peace now. I am the peace now."
When we raise our spiritual and emotional
currencies, and the peace in our minds matches the peace in our hearts, we will know strongly that this is just too valuable to waste on disappointment or anger. It feels so much better and just feels so right to go with the flow. We learn to let go of resistance and invite love and compassion in for ourselves and others, no matter what the situation. We know that there are lessons here for all to rise up. There is always so much more going on than meets the eye and at this
stage, anger energy will be transmuted and utilized in the way that it was meant to be. Energy to teach peace, love and tolerance. Energy to be used to raise everyone up to a higher level of consciousness and community. Energy to help those that cannot help themselves. Energy to help the weak and the lost especially ourselves. Energy to show the way to true justice and peace through the love, compassion and understanding of true human kindness. It's time.
Keep searching. Keep creating and reaching for the golden rays of peace, beauty and love, and don't be so hard on yourself. We are all here to rise up together and learn together, what is important. Peace, Love, Unity, Tolerance, Oneness, Kindness, Joy, Compassion, and Understanding....These are just some of the sustainable energies of the future. These are just some. Love yourself first.
Namaste, ~*~
Namaste, ~*~