This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
There is so much turmoil all around us from the failing economy. Corporate America's karma has caught up with her. We are all stewards of this earth and everything in it. Corporate America is no different. They are stubborn and greedy and now the whole system is in jeopardy of collapsing.
My concern is that our Spiritual health is also failing. We've taken Almighty God out of our daily lives, our daily conversations, heck, we can't even put Christlike images in places like City Hall anymore. Are we any better for it? Or has our spiritual karma caught up with us?
Where do you go when the cards come tumbling down?
Do you go to the bank?
Do you go to the mall?
Do you go to your psychiatrist?
All these places are good, but not for spiritual health, healing, wellness or insight.
I'm afraid the avenue to true spirituality has been detoured, blocked up, damned up and we're reaping now what we've sown.
It's time to get back to basics.
Go to church. Go to the synagogue. Go to the temple. Go to the mosque.
Meditate. Read the Word.
Help your neighbor.
In Reiki, we place our hands above the body in an effort to exchange energy. When was the last time you placed your hands on someone with the intention of exchanging energy?
Are your intentions "me" based or do you think of and help others?
One telltale sign that your universe is in jeopardy of collapsing is the "me" factor. If your life is in turmoil. Go help someone.
If you need anything, go and meet the needs of someone else.
Like attracts like. Love attracts love. Selflessness attracts selflessness.
The equation is and has always been "do unto others as you would have done unto you".
If you are lost and confused and you need to find your way, look to the Heavens. Look to your divine nature.
Your mind and your body and your Spirit are tools. Use them. Try them. See what works for you. Be active in participating in this life. Do not sit back and wait for things to happen. See what soothes your soul.
True manifestation works this way...think it...believe it....DO IT!
If you are ill, think about wellness, believe in wellness and be active in getting well. Seek other ways of wellness - ones you've not searched out before. Take your meds - but believe that perhaps one day, you'll not need them.
Change your diet.
Change your focus.
Change your mind.
God is, and has always been ready, willing and able to help us in our journey. We tend to forget or heaven forbid, deny His existence and even our own at times.
This is a recipe for disaster in the form of depression, sickness, dysfunction, dis-ease in general.
Jesus said "I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly". What are you choosing today?
Jesus said "I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly". What are you choosing today?
He also said "Choose life". That's a commandment.
What are you seeking?
Might I suggest..."Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."
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